automatic activityの例文
- This notification is supposed to trigger manual or automatic activities.
- The measurement of users or visitors requires a standard time period and can be distorted by automatic activity ( such as cookies, or by using panel data.
- They are automatic activities, requiring little conscious attention and involving a sensory component ( feedback about touch-position ) processed at the unconscious level in the mesencephalic nucleus.
- At the end of 2013 the Forerunner 220 and 620 were introduced, with color screens, Bluetooth Low energy ( BTLE; allowing connections to some smartphones ), and, for the 620 only, a touchscreen, Wi-Fi ( allowing automatic activity download ) and enhanced " running dynamics " given by an updated Heart rate monitor.
- Spagic model enhances the features of some engines to realize a complete ESB / BPM platform and allows to compose the platform with different ESBs and it provides support for different process types, through the Eclipse STP Intermediate Model ( that is moving under the project Eclipse Mangrove ) : workflow orchestration of human and automatic activities, BPEL orchestration and data integration oriented services.